A Facebook business page gives you a direct, open line to your customers. Create a Facebook Page in your corporate identity.

The Facebook Business Page is one of the main channels through which businesses communicate with their customers on Facebook. This presence allows you to engage directly with your customers and respond to their concerns in a straightforward way. 

The Facebook Company Page as a laboratory

Whereas on traditional websites the flow of information is mainly from the company to the customer, on a Facebook page the roles can be reversed. With moderation and the right idea, the creative potential of customers can be tapped and turned into new product ideas and improvements.

Study your fans!

The statistics on the Facebook business page provide information about the popularity of the brand on Facebook. Find out who your fans are, how many people you reach with each message and how often people write about your Facebook page. 

Your Facebook presence and Facebook monitoring

Based on your objectives, target groups and market environment, we will design a suitable concept and set up your Facebook page in the style of your corporate design. We can also monitor your Facebook page and link your website to your Facebook presence.

Are you interested? If so, please contact us! We will be happy to discuss your options for creating a Facebook page.

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